
Hooks is a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of the process, with custom callbacks.

List of hooks

Relative to the global pipeline

Name Description Arguments
init Called after parsing the book, before generating output and pages. None
finish:before Called after generating the pages, before copying assets, cover, ... None
finish Called after everything else. None

Relative to the page pipeline

It is recommended using templating to extend page parsing.

Name Description Arguments
page:before Called before running the templating engine on the page Page Object
page Called before outputting and indexing the page. Page Object

:memo: HonKit may skip these pages hooks on non-changed page when incremental mode(honkit serve)

Page Object
    // Parser named
    "type": "markdown",

    // File Path relative to book root
    "path": "page.md",

    // Absolute file path
    "rawpath": "/usr/...",

    // Title of the page in the SUMMARY
    "title": "",

    // Content of the page
    // Markdown/Asciidoc in "page:before"
    // HTML in "page"
    "content": "<h1>Hello</h1>"

    // Level of the page
    "level": ""

    // Depth of the page
    "depth": "3"

    // Other attributes appear in the .md between two '---' at the beginning of the content
    // For example in the front of the markdown:
    // ---
    // description: This is a description
    // ---
    "description": "This is a description"

    // Previous article
    "previous": Article Object

    // Next article
    "next": Article Object
Example to add a title

In the page:before hook, page.content is the markdown/asciidoc content.

    "page:before": function(page) {
        page.content = "# Title\n" +page.content;
        return page;
Example to replace some html

In the page hook, page.content is the HTML generated from the markdown/asciidoc conversion.

    "page": function(page) {
        page.content = page.content.replace("<b>", "<strong>")
            .replace("</b>", "</strong>");
        return page;

Asynchronous Operations

Hooks callbacks can be asynchronous and return promises.


    "init": function() {
        return writeSomeFile()
        .then(function() {
            return writeAnotherFile();