Generating eBooks and PDFs

HonKit can generate a website, but can also output content as ebook (ePub, Mobi, PDF).

# Generate a PDF file
$ honkit pdf ./ ./mybook.pdf

# Generate an ePub file
$ honkit epub ./ ./mybook.epub

# Generate a Mobi file
$ honkit mobi ./ ./

Installing ebook-convert

ebook-convert is required to generate ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf).


Download the Calibre application. After moving the to your Applications folder create a symbolic link to the ebook-convert tool:

$ sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin

You can replace /usr/bin with any directory that is in your $PATH.


Covers are used for all the ebook formats.

To provide a cover, place a cover.jpg file at the root directory of your book. Adding a cover_small.jpg will specify a smaller version of the cover. The cover should be a JPEG file.

A good cover should respect the following guidelines:

  • Size of 1800x2360 pixels for cover.jpg, 200x262 for cover_small.jpg
  • No border
  • Clearly visible book title
  • Any important text should be visible in the small version